Addressable, large-field second harmonic generation microscopy based on 2D acousto-optical deflector and spatial light modulator.

TitleAddressable, large-field second harmonic generation microscopy based on 2D acousto-optical deflector and spatial light modulator.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsShao Y, Liu H, Qin W, Qu J, Peng X, Niu H, Gao BZ
JournalAppl Phys B
Date Published2012 Sep 01

We present an addressable, large-field second harmonic generation microscope by combining a 2D acousto-optical deflector with a spatial light modulator. The SLM shapes an incoming mode-locked, near-infrared Ti:Sapphire laser beam into a multifocus array, which can be rapidly scanned by changing the incident angle of the laser beam using a 2D acousto-optical deflector. Compared to the single-beam-scan technique, the multifocus array scan can increase the scanning rate and the field-of-view size with the multi-region imaging ability.

Alternate JournalAppl Phys B
PubMed ID24307756
PubMed Central IDPMC3846096
Grant ListK25 HL088262 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States
P20 RR021949 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States